Assignment Help Zone Assignment Help Cure Your Boredom: Tips On How To Pass Time In School
Cure Your Boredom: Tips On How To Pass Time In School
Published By: Eloise Doyle

Date: July 12, 2024

Cure Your Boredom: Tips On How To Pass Time In School

Read the following scenario and see whether it seems familiar to you.

You are sitting in your class, shaking your pen in your hand and tapping your foot. You can hear the professor droning on and on about something; his voice seems to be coming from far away. You stare at him glassy-eyed, waiting for the bell to ring so that you can pick up your books and scram out of the class.

But the bell doesn’t ring. You look at the clock, and the minute hand has just moved five steps. It’s as if the King of the Titans, Kronos himself, has appeared and is stopping time and pulling you into the depths of despair where this pass time classroom is your own personal Tartatrus.

If you find yourself in the above scenario, you have been enrolled in school and, at some time or the other found it completely unbearable. In this blog, you will learn something about why this happens and you can learn a few techniques on how to make time go faster in school.

Why Do Students Get Bored in Class?

According to a recent National Survey, 69.51% of students are bored in their classes. While I believe that the innate desire to hate going to school or work is inherently built into humans, there can be some specific things that factor into students being bored in lessons. And there is more to it than the subject simply being dry.

1. Students Find Class Is Too Difficult

One of the main reasons why many students lose focus on their studies is because the course material is very tough. The truth that people are slowly realizing is that standardized tests and traditional learning are not built for everyone. Some people find studies difficult but they excel in other areas. These people who find the classes difficult tend to get overwhelmed by them. This, in turn, causes them frustration and often discourages them from studying the subject. It results in the students outlining the lesson and eventually being a reason for their boredom.

2. Students Don’t See the Benefit of Studying a Subject

Another inherent quality of humans is looking for things that benefit them. A person is more likely to work hard if they have any incentive to do so. Students are the same; they might be discouraged from studying a subject if they feel like it will not benefit them in the real world.

They might ask, for instance; when will I use the Pythagoras theorem if I want to pursue a career in law? Why are we learning about history and people who have died centuries ago? School is supposed to train you for the real world but when they fail to specify how what they are teaching does so, then the students disengage and get bored.

3. The Social Aspect

Human beings are social creatures, and thus, their social life can be a big motivating or demotivating factor for them. Some students may not have good relationships with their teachers and other students. Because of this, they might feel negatively towards the class. This can also leave students feeling depressed and lonely and not wanting to come to class. Therefore, when they are there, they aren’t focused on the class but on getting out of it.

4. Not Being Challenged Enough

While it is true that having a tough lesson can discourage the students, the opposite to that is also true. A lesson that is too easy for the student can also be boring to them. This is because they would know about the things in the lesson; therefore, there would be no curiosity to fuel their attention, and they would have little to no incentive to pay attention.

If a teacher wants the students to pay attention, then they should find a way in the middle, one that is not too challenging but, at the same time, it is, which can be a challenge on its own.

The above were just a few reasons why students may feel bored at school. Boredom leads to not paying attention in class, which leads to students getting bad grades, which in turn could further discourage them from studying. However, if you are struggling with assignments or finding it difficult then you can seek out an assignment writing helper online. 

How to Make Time Go Faster in School?

How to Make Time Go Faster in School?

Now that we have gotten the above out of the way let us learn a few tips on how to make school go by faster.

1. Be an Active Member of Your Class

One of the best ways to not be bored in class is by being active. If you do that then you will cure your boredom, be more attentive, and also develop social relationships. 

You will have to be attentive in class to keep an eye out for pain points that you might have trouble with or if you want to answer questions. You can also take part in group activities in class to build companionship between your classmates and develop friendships.

By providing answers, most people get a small dopamine hit which induces happiness in them. This can cause them to correlate happiness with participating in class in the long run.

2. Work Your Boredom Away

While it is never a good idea to stop paying attention in class, sometimes some classes can be so boring that they drain your mental energy. In such cases, we would advise you to stop paying attention to your current lesson and pay attention to another one. 

What we mean is that instead of wasting your time trying to grasp what the teacher is saying, you may just work on an assignment for another class. It is better to do something productive, like completing another lesson assignment during another class, rather than just sitting there and wasting your time.

It is important to note that this should only be done if you understand or can cover up the lesson that you are having at the time. For example, if you are struggling with history, then you shouldn’t tune the subject out and start working on your math assignment; that will just hinder your progress and do you no favors.

3. Study with A Buddy

We saw above how important social life is for everyone, especially for students. Sometimes, having a good social life, even just one single friend, can make a difference and make the driest of classes fun.

This is where a study buddy comes in. A study buddy is someone who can discuss study material with you. You both can help each other through tough times and also the two of you can encourage each other to stay focused during the lesson.

Having someone with you can put an end to the dullness of your lesson as you will have someone with you who can help you power through the lesson and maybe even make you enjoy it.

4. Take Advantage of the Time in Between Classes

Another thing you can do is take advantage of your breaks to reenergize yourself. Think of boring classes as the lull between fun break times. By doing this, you will have something to look forward to that will help you pass through the class and make it more bearable.

You can do this by applying the principles of the Pomodoro Technique. In the Pomodoro technique, you work hard and are completely focused on one task for 25 minutes. Once the 25 minutes are up, then you can take a 5-minute break to do anything you like in it. 

You can apply a variation of this throughout your schools. Think of your classes as Pomodora’s, the intensely focused time during which you work and the breaks where you do something fun that brings up your mental energy. 

Fun things that you can do in your breaks are hang out with your friends, go for a short walk, play games on your mobile phone, read a book you like, etc. Just do something that you like, and that revitalizes you. 


If you are bored in school and are wondering how to make time pass faster in school? Then don’t worry, you are not alone. Hopefully, the above gave you some insights into why you may be getting bored and how you can cure your boredom.

While it is true that it is a teacher’s job to make the lesson interesting and that they have students’ attention throughout the lesson, the sad reality is that few teachers do this. Therefore, it is up to the students to figure out what to do in this case and use the above techniques to pass the time faster.

However, remember that your studies come first, and the above techniques are to be used if you can cope with your studies. However, if you are struggling to focus in class and that is hurting your grades, then you can always seek help from an online assignment helper. Remember that it is always better to ask for help rather than being overwhelmed and giving up on your studies completely. 

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