Assignment Help Zone Assignment Help A Guide To Choosing Your Modern Studies Assignment Topics
Published By: Cerys Griffin

Date: July 29, 2024

A Guide To Choosing Your Modern Studies Assignment Topics

Are you a modern studies student who is looking to choose the perfect modern studies assignment topics for you? Or maybe you are wondering whether you should choose Modern Studies? Maybe you haven’t heard about modern studies before and are contemplating whether it will be beneficial for you in the future.

If the above sounds like you then don’t worry because the following is a crash course in Modern Studies and how you can get good grades in your modern studies assignment.

Understanding Modern Studies

If you want to understand Modern Studies and see if it is the right choice for you then two things need to be cleared.

Complete Guide to Choosing Your Modern Studies Assignment Topics

 What Is Modern Studies?

Modern Studies is a subject that is taught in the Scottish School System. The subject is taught to students before their sixth grade, after which choosing the subject is optional. Modern Studies provides the students with knowledge about the social issues, political issues, and political processes in local, Scottish, United Kingdom, and International contexts.

 Why Should You Study Modern Studies?

Modern studies provide students who study it with transferrable skills that they can employ in different walks of their lives. This includes core skills like literacy and mathematical ability. Candidates can interpret, understand, and participate in the political processes that they will encounter in their lives.

Modern studies are very important as it has been shown to boost students’ political literacy. Additionally, from an early age, students can understand the important issues in the world today and can make up their minds about them.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Topic

You can choose from a range of modern studies topics for your assignment. However, it is important to choose your assignment help wisely. The assignment will play a big part in your final grade. Following are a few factors to consider when you are choosing your assignment topic.

A) Personal Interest

When choosing an assignment topic, make sure that you are personally interested in it. This is because you will be spending a lot of time researching the topic, which sometimes might even cause you frustration. If you have a topic that interests you, then you will be motivated and interested to work on it. Choosing a topic that interests you will keep you going even when the going gets tough.

B) Relevance

By relevance, I don’t just mean that the topic should be relevant to your subject (which is important, but I’m sure you know that). When I talk about relevance, I mean that it should be relevant to your industry. It is better if your topic addresses the gap or problem in the industry and provides potential solutions to it. Look at the broader impact your topic might have on the industry or society.

C) Availability of Resources

You will be spending a lot of time on your assignment, and even if you choose a topic you are interested in, it does not mean that you know everything about the topic. Therefore, research is mandatory if you want to ace your assignment.

This is why it is also important to see beforehand whether you have access to this information or not. Once you have narrowed down your list of topics and choose one, do some initial background research on it. See if information regarding the topic is available online. Ask your peers for guidance or any books. Visit the library and check for books, articles, and research papers that might relate to the topic. If you can find the necessary resources, only then proceed further with the discursive topic. Otherwise, pick your loss and move on to another one.

D) Scope of The Topic

Try to make your topic unique and focused. If the topic is too vague or focused on a broad field, then it might be overwhelming for you. It might even make it difficult to find relevant information and you might just end up putting in things that aren’t related to your topic in your assignment.

On the other hand, if the topic is too narrow, then you might have too little information, or it might be shallow and one-dimensional. Hence, it is good to keep your topic concise and well-defined but also impactful. Play around with it and make sure it has scope in the current time and future as well.

E) Contemporary Relevance

Contemporary relevance means that the topic you choose should be relevant in today’s day and age. You can relate your assignment topic to the current world and the issues in it. By doing this, you will make your assignment interesting and impactful. You will be able to showcase your understanding of the topic by showing how you can relate it to today’s world and make the read more engaging for the audience.

Strategies to Choose the Perfect Topic for You

Now that we have looked at the factors that you have to look for when choosing a topic, the question arises – how do you choose a topic? Luckily, I know a few strategies that might just help you out.

A) Brainstorming

The first thing that you should always do is brainstorm. It is very unlikely that you end up choosing a topic from your initial brainstorming but it will give you a point to start from. Even before you start your research, you can do this. Just grab a pen and paper and jot down all the modern studies topics that interest you. No matter how broad or narrow they may seem, you can narrow the list down later.

Listing down these will give you a pool of topics that can influence you to come up with an even better topic. Some of these brainstormed topics may be too narrow; in that case, you might be able to use them as a subheading in your finalized topic so brainstorming is never a waste of time and an important initial step.

B) Research

Now, once you have a pool of topics, you can start your research. Mind you, this will not be the full research but just something to get you started. Remember when we talked about checking for resource availability? This is where that comes into play.

By researching, you will be able to narrow down topics that do not have much research material available. But also, looking up things can provide you with ideas for new topics.

C) Consult Your Teachers & Peers

Having done your preliminary brainstorming and research, you might have landed on your preferred topic, or you might have narrowed down the list to a few topics. Now, you can go and ask your peers or teachers for advice. Most would be happy to help you out. Your peers and teachers can provide you with valuable insight on your chosen topic, suggest new topics, or even give you some new insights or aspects to look into, which can make your assignment even better.

D) Reviewing Past Assignments

Go through the old research papers and past assignments that your teachers might have provided (if they haven’t, you can ask them or your senior students). By reviewing past assignments, you will be able to better understand what your teacher is looking for and cater to that.

You will get an idea of how to write the assignment, what analysis to do, what type of information is needed, and what types of modern studies topics have done well and have the potential to do well.

When reviewing topics that are similar to yours, you may be able to identify an angle that the previous student hasn’t tackled or a gap that you can focus on. This can provide you with ideas for your assignment and help you finish with good grades.

Assignment Writers UK Are There to Help

Choosing a modern studies research topic can be a difficult task that might make you tear your hair out. Save yourself the pain of ripped hair and get help from Assignment Writers UK. Choosing the right topic is important and can provide you with professional and personalized help.

Whether you want to find the right topic for your assignment or you want help completing your assignment, we can provide services that are tailored to your needs.


Choosing the right topic for your modern studies assignment is daunting yet important. You can use the above strategies to figure out your topic and make sure that the topic is good and viable by considering the factors mentioned above.

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