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Is It Anxiety That Gives You a Hard Time? Let’s Explore the Causes & Cure!

is it anxiety that gives you a hard time let’s explore the causes and cure

Do you feel restless without any reason? Or is it irritation that gives you a hard time? If your answer is yes to these questions, you might be suffering from anxiety.


Anxiety is basically a sensation of apprehension, worry, or unease regarding an uncertain conclusion. This is a reaction from your body to stress. It can also be caused by a variety of factors, both medical and non-medical.


In this advanced world of today, everyone is running in the race of achieving something. And due to this reason, none of us has time to identify stressors that are destroying our inner peace, little by little.



Not only the adults dealing with hectic professional life, but students also have a hard time due to this and are known to suffer as much from anxiety as other people do. Therefore, we decided to publish a post that has all the details about anxiety, its cause, and how you can cure it.


So, without further ado, let’s proceed right away.


The Causes Behind Anxiety




Anxiety disorders are often caused by stress. Major life events, such as the sudden death of a family member or a source of income, can induce stress and provoke panic attacks. Daily obstacles that may appear insignificant, such as getting an endless stream of text messages, standing in lengthy lines, or being stuck in traffic, can trigger anxiety in some people.


People who are stressed for a variety of reasons deal with anxiety more than others who are not stressed for an extended period of time.




People who are more prone to anxiety disorders have parents or close family members who have had similar disorders, according to studies. Although it is unclear how genes play a role in common anxiety disorders, there is a genetic component at play.


Medical Issues


Anxiety symptoms as a sign of medical condition might be caused by underlying health issues. By conducting tests to check for indicators of a condition, a doctor can confirm if anxiety has a medical cause. Medical diseases that cause it includes:



The Way Of Living


Although lifestyle may not be the primary cause of anxiety, it is impossible to ignore its consequences. People who do not exercise, for example, are more likely to acquire stress because their bodies have a lot of unused energy and hence do not make adequate stress coping hormones. Diet plays a part as well, albeit it does not create worry. Caffeine, for example, can increase moderate anxiety symptoms.


Disruption In The Brain Functioning


It is caused by brain imbalances affecting neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) such as norepinephrine, serotonin, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Mood, sleep, and emotional stability are all influenced by neurotransmitters. Each can have an impact on anxiety-inducing events.


It’s unclear if the imbalance was caused by inadequate coping methods or if the imbalances occurred first and then led to worry. Even if there may be a biological component, therapy – without any pharmacological intervention – has been found to improve chemical regulation, demonstrating that the mind can overcome it and improve the flow of neurotransmitters throughout the brain.


However, in some circumstances, doctors prescribe medicines for these problems that are specially designed to improve neurotransmitter control, and these medicines can often help — at least in small doses. This suggests that neurotransmitters can be influenced by both biological and environmental factors. And  if  online learning is what gives you a hard time, check out our article “Helpful guide to Distance Learning vs. Face-To-Face Learning.”


A Traumatic Experience


These disorders can be caused by specific traumas. Trauma is a type of intense sudden stress that comes as a result of an external event such as seeing death or experiencing a violent attack. People with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are more likely to experience it, although it can also impact people with generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, or panic disorder. Trauma also alters a person’s anxiety baseline, making it difficult to cope with the stress that was previously tolerated.


How Many Types of Anxiety Disorders Are There?


Anxiety is a general term used for multiple types of disorders. The fact that differentiates these disorders is the reason for this. Different stressors cause different kinds of anxiety disorders, thus, we have enlisted all of them below to let you have a more clear idea.


A Phobia


According to the general description, a phobia is said to be a type of anxiety disorder where a person has an excessive amount of fear regarding some specific situation, activity, or object. Different people observe different kinds of phobias as per their fear. For instance, some have fear of height whereas others have fear of animals.


Illness Anxiety Disorder


It is a mental illness that is known as hypochondria in medical terms. The patient suffering from it goes through extreme fear that they have a life-taking disease while there is none except some minor symptoms.


PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder)


PTSD is a Post-traumatic stress disorder which means it is an aftereffect of a triggering terrifying event. It is not necessary that a person suffering from it has to experience something, only witnessing something can also result in PTSD. And if we talk about its symptoms, they include severe anxiety due to flashbacks, uncontrollable thoughts of the triggering event, or nightmares.


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder


Obsessive-compulsive disorder is also a type of anxiety that refers to a mental condition where a patient cannot control occurring repetitive behaviours or thoughts. These repetitive behaviours and thoughts are usually unpleasant and cause anxiety due to being uncontrollable. As of treatment, it can be treated by therapies if it is not severe and if severe, one might need medication.


Panic Disorder


A Panic disorder is among the most painful types of anxiety as here a patient goes through sudden panic breakdowns at unexpected times. The most difficult thing about it is that patients spend their whole life in the fear of the next panic attack.


Separation Anxiety Disorder


SAD is another mental condition that causes anxiety. This condition is basically experienced by children where they have an extreme fear of being separated from their family and other loved ones. Children suffering from it fear being lost from their family or think something bad would happen if they are not with them.


Social Anxiety Disorder


Many students and youngsters suffer from it where they go through the fear of meet-up plans and speaking to different people. The people suffering from it worry about talking to new people and avoid attending social events. Not just this, they restrain from eye contact and experience low self-esteem. The preferred treatment of social anxiety disorder is to take therapies, antidepressants, or self-help courses. If this all does not work, make sure to visit the doctor as early as possible.


How To Deal With Anxiety In a Natural Way?


Yes, it can surely be cured naturally if you work on eliminating stressors. A bit of change in your lifestyle can go a long way and you will start experiencing the results within some time. Here we are enlisting some of the well-known remedies that can help:



A Concluding Note:


Anxiety, stress, and depression are something that we all experience once in a lifetime. These conditions are not associated with any age group and can occur due to varied reasons. In this post, we have discussed the cause of stress along with its different types and of course some remedies to cure it. Is that it? Well, no! We suggest the students who are taking the stress of academic writing tasks, hire professional writers such as nursing assignment writers. They will take care of all the writing and research work and you will be left with a lot of time to focus on other life responsibilities.


Best of luck with life!

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