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Capturing The Art of 7 Core Stages Of Communication

Capturing the Art of 7 Core Stages Of Communication

Capturing the Art of 7 Core Stages Of Communication

Communication plays a vital part in our relationship stages personally and professionally. Communication is a way of expressing your feelings. Whatever you feel you say it in words. Bad communication can result in many disasters. When you are unable you express your feelings through communication, it leaves you feeling drained, lost, and frustrated. Just like when you need help with a marketing assignment, you communicate your problem to a professional marketing assignment help writing service that helps you with your assignment.

There are two common ways of communicating verbal and written. Written communication is not as difficult to do as verbal communication is. Bad verbal communication is a sign that you lack communication skills which is not good for your professional life. Verbal communication is counted as your soft skill. Managers look for a person who can convince clients with the way they speak.

Why communication is important?

Effective communication helps us build relationships around us. You can be the person with great knowledge, but if you don’t know how to convey it to people with understanding words, then your knowledge is useless.

To convey a message from one person to another, communication is important for that. You exchange important information, ideas, and thoughts with a certain group of people through communication. Through effective communication, you can build relationships in the workplace and personal life. You can clear the air of misunderstanding if it arises through strong communication.

You can express your feelings through communication. It allows people to share their joy, sorrow, happiness, and other feelings which creates a sense of understanding between people. Effective communication indicates that you have strong leadership qualities that can help you in the future to be successful.

Stages of the Communication Chain

Do you know the way we communicate with other people is based on stages? We surely did not know this. We thought we were just talking to other people and this communication.  Well, this is what communication is, but it consists of some stages.

A communication cycle is basically between two people sender and receiver.

1. sender

A sender is a person who passes the information to the other person. The sender generates the idea or thought. The sender should formulate the message in a clear way that makes the receiver understand. The idea should be generated in a way that gives the receiver a precise idea.

2. Encoding

When you choose verbal communication and decide to send the message to the receiver, it requires further encoding. Encoding means making a message more understandable with words, gestures, and symbols. The process of subject in the conversation is called encoding.

3. Channel

Channel is when the sender chooses the platform to interact with the receiver. It could be verbal and non-verbal communication. In the stages of the communication cycle verbal communication requires face-to-face interaction whereas non-verbal communication can take place on any other platform like an influencer communicating with its audience through any social media platform.

4. Decoding

Decoding is when the receiver gets the messages and understands them. In verbal communication when the sender and receiver are having a face-to-face conversation, the receiver decodes the message with the words, gestures, and ideas of the sender.

In the communication stage. If the receiver is having difficulty understanding the message then it cannot be the sender’s fault, it might be the reason the receiver lacks understanding of the basic idea of the message.

5. Receiver

Receivers are the people who receive the sender’s messages. This step of communication skills is important. In verbal communication, it is easy for the receiver to understand the message as compared to non-verbal communication.

Each person has a different perception about receiving the messages and will perceive the message differently. If a sender is communicating with a group of people, there are chances that each person in the group perceives the message differently.

In a group, each person will try to receive the message in the best possible manner.

The receiver understands the sender’s message with the words, gestures, and background of the message.

6. Feedback

Feedback is the answer from the receiver that they give to the sender. In verbal communication, feedback could be the instant reactionary the instant answer that is given by the receiver.

Receivers need to understand the message first the give feedback because feedback is the sign that the receiver has received the message and understands it.

Whereas, In non-verbal communication, the receiver is giving the feedback through non-verbal channels. Where the sender and receiver are not having face to face interaction. They need to understand the message thoroughly and then give feedback.

7. Context

Context is the situation in which the sender sends the message and the receiver receives the message. It could be on any topic, related to work, politics, environment, or the message could be related to your personal life.

The sender and receiver need to communicate in the right context. While sending the message to the receiver the sender needs to send it in the right context and vice versa.

7 C’s of communication

There are 7 C’s models of communication which will describe how the message should be. The 7 Stages will teach you to send the message which will help you in your professional as well as personal life.

The 7C’s are:


Let’s start with the important C of the 7 C’s of communication. It is clarity. It is important for the sender and receiver both the communicate with each other, they should do it undoubtedly.

the sender is sending the message to the receiver, he should read it from the receiver’s perspective as it will be clear to the receiver or not. Think of the simplest way to communicate, and avoid jargon or complex words that will be difficult for the receiver to understand.

If the message consists of multiple instructions, then it is important to describe each instruction clearly.


While sending the message make sure you send it completely with all the descriptions and information needed in the message. While communicating make sure you ask all the concerns and questions regarding the message. Provide all the complete guidelines related to the message.

The purpose of providing a complete message is to avoid confusion.


Correctness means making your message vivid and relatable. Use the correct way to phrase your message. It is important to use the correct words,correct grammar, and align your sentences so they make sense to the receiver.

If the receiver does not understand or spot an error in your message, then you are communicating in the wrong way.


Make sure the message you are sending should contain all the information but also be in a concise form. Nobody likes to listen to long speeches or read long messages. To avoid losing your receiver’s attention make sure you communicate in a concise yet descriptive way.

Use the information that is needed. Don’t use overused words and convey your message in simple language. Avoid unnecessary explanation.


How do you like it them someone gives you respect while talking to you? Or have you ever faced a situation where someone is asking you to work for them in a very courteous manner? Of course, we all like it. Who does not like being respected? It boosts our confidence and makes us do work without doubting ourselves.

While communicating to the receiver it is important to show some courtesy. If the receiver is your employee or any other person give them respect while communicating. Make the message friendly and as much professional as you can. It will show you professionalism.


To make your message considered make sure when you are communicating with the receiver, you put some logic in your message. Your message should have a logical flow proper wording and alignment of sentences.

Proper structure in your message is important, use pointers and references to show the authenticity of the message.


To make your message clearer and vivid use concrete examples. Show practical life examples if needed. It will make the receiver understand your message more correctly. It is important to let your receiver understand your message in every possible way.

Overcoming the Barriers in the Communication Stages

Comminuting with someone can be a great challenge. Especially when you lack communication skills. You find yourself in a situation where you do have to communicate with someone but you cannot.

We are going to tell you today, how you can overcome your fear of communicating with someone and make the receiver understand your message.

Participate actively

Whenever you are in the middle of a group discussion, participate actively. express your opinions, ideas, and feelings about certain things. It will help you to communicate one-on-one with people.

To participate actively it is important to listen to the person actively too. When someone is speaking listen to them thoroughly. It will help you take notes in your mind.

Seek Professional Support

If you have communication problems, seek professional help. It can help you in communicating with your fellow employees. It will give you empower you to speak more during discussions.

Constructive feedback

Try to speak in group discussions. Give your take on anything that is being discussed and ask for feedback. It will help you know where you are lacking, and how much more improvement you need.


Mastering the stages in the communication cycle will help you overcome the barrier of communication and achieve the communicating objectives more successfully.

These 7 stages will help you in effective communication to exchange ideas and thoughts over something.

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